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Book Review: Joan Crawford in Film Noir

Subtitled "The Actress as Auteur," David Meuel's latest book for McFarland publishers is a fascinating and informative study that concentrates on one aspect of a classic actress's filmography.

Focused on the dozen noir films Joan Crawford appeared in during the 1940s and 1950s, Meuel's book covers such dark classics as A Woman's Face (1941), Mildred Pierce (1945), Daisy Kenyon (1947), The Damned Don't Cry (1950), and Female on the Beach (1955). While Crawford made many films over several different genres from the silent era into the dawn of the 1970s, the author explores her noir films during the post-war period and this focus allows us a deeper appreciation.

First, the author dismisses the unfortunate negative image that has stuck to Joan Crawford since the book and subsequent film Mommy Dearest. She is one of the finest and most beloved actresses of Hollywood's golden era and her legacy has been tarnished by what the author calls a distorted image. The book then sets out to spotlight what Joan Crawford sure remain known for -- her work. After the book gives us some backstory on the actresses successful career in silent films and movies of the 1930s. We then are taken through 12 noir films.

Even though there are only a dozen films central to this study, the author provides a full book length examination, giving a great many details and offering interesting and enlightening information. The recurring theme is how Crawford offered her career-best work in these noir films, and provided an idelible stamp to each production.

This is the first book to concentrate so specifically on Joan Crawford's work in noir films and is also the definitive study. It allows us to better appreciate several of Crawford's finest films, and gives us a deeper understanding of her contributions beyond her peformance. This study also allows us to examine the work of several different directors and cinematographers and how Joan Crawford responded to each.

One of the best film study books of the year, Joan Crawford in Film Noir: The Actress as Auteur belongs in every library, research center, and fan's personal collection.

The book can be ordered at this link: Crawford/Noir

James L. Neibaur
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