Book Review: Old Films, Young Eyes

Subtitled “A Teenage Take on Hollywood’s Golden Age,” this new book from McFarland is a fascinating testimonial from young author Simone O. Elias’ discovering of classic cinema.
Those of us who are much older also connected with classic cinema after the films were already old, so we can relate to some extent. But when this reviewer first saw Casablanca in 1972, it was a 30 year old film. Many of the actors were still living. Now that we have gone through a quarter of the 21st century, those films remain classics, but their connection to younger viewers is precarious at best.
Simone reveals in her Preface that she is 15 years old, explains some of the challenges of being a teenager in the modern era, and that her connection to older movies resulted in her learning a great deal about 20th century history from the better examples. She understands that the Beach Party and Gidget movies of the 60s were really a 50s hangover period before a 60s style developed with films like The Graduate and Bonnie and Clyde. She responds to how women were represented in 50s films (and 50s culture). As someone who was alive during those decades, I found her insights to be fascinating and knowledgable.
The entire book offers insight from this teenager’s perspective, and it is fun to note her discoveries with 20th century cinema, first limiting to more accessible comedies and musicals and expanding her scope as she explores further. There is a sense of history with a chapter on the studio system. The influence of classic movie icons on current ones is discussed. Perhaps my favorite chapter is when Simone challenges the concept of no female directors in the golden age, pointing out the work of Lois Weber, Dorothy Arzner, Ida Lupino, et al.
Simone is a good writer with a very intelligent, open minded approach to pop culture’s history, and her understanding of cinema’s history and aesthetics is impressive. This book is highly recommended for school libraries as well as public libraries, research centers, and film buffs of all ages.
The book can be purchased at this link: OLD/YOUNG