Book Review: Marketing Mayhem: Selling Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis to Post-War America
This new book from BearManor by Richard S. Greene fulfills an area of media scholarship that is often overlooked – the actual marketing...

Book Review: Celebrity Obituaries 2021
Harris Lentz has been compiling showbiz obits for decades now, and since 2020 has been independently publishing his annotated lists of...

Book Review: Barney Miller and the Files of the Ol’ One-Two
Having been a fan of the Barney Miller TV series back during its first run, I’ve continued to enjoy reruns and home video releases. Over...

Book Review: The Lost World of Music Hall
BearManor Media has published Derek Sculthorpe’s fascinating look at select British music hall performers from the early 20th century. ...

Book Review: Time is Money: The Century, Rainbow, and Stern Brothers comedies
This massive, over 500-page, study of Julius and Abe Stern delves very deeply into an area of screen comedy that is very little known....

Book Review: Jesus Christ Movie Star
I suppose if I made myself think seriously about it, I would have realized that the image of Jesus Christ is central to the development...

Book Review: The Rise and Fall of Max Linder: The First Cinema Celebrity
Back around 1970 there was an informative book entitled Clown Princes and Court Jesters that offered chapters on lesser-known comedians...

Book Review: Ma and Pa Kettle on Film
If ever a movie series demanded a book of its own, it is Ma and Pa Kettle. And it's especially grand that Lon and Debra Davis have...

Book Review: Becoming Carole Lombard: Stardom, Comedy, and Legacy
In one of the most insightful books on a Hollywood star, Olympia Kiriakou’s Becoming Carole Lombard: Stardom, Comedy, and Legacy...

Book Review: Anita Page: A Career Chronicle and Biography
Authors Allan R. Ellenberger and Robert Murdoch Paton have released, through McFarland and Co., publishers, a book length study of one of...